Advanced Learning Loans


Advanced Learning Loans are now available by Student Finance England for learners aged 19+ studying advanced or higher level qualifications to help them cover the cost of their course.

Loans may be used to fund the following types of further education provision: 

  • A Levels (including A2s and AS levels)
  • Access to HE Diploma
  • Level 3 Certificates or Diplomas
  • Level 4 Certificates or Diplomas

Previous educational study will not effect a learners entitlement Graduates will be able to apply for loans

Loans are not means tested and not subject to credit checks

Learners can have up to 4 student loans but can only have one loan per course

The loans will be administered by The Student Loans Company

Loans will be paid directly to the training provider and not to the learner

Chiltern Training will need to give learners an offer letter in order for them to apply for their loan

Learners apply for their loan directly from SLC

CTL then inform the SLC that the learner starts their course and confirm monthly attendance to training

When a learner completes or leaves a course, they are then liable to start repayments for what they have received

Loan repayments start from 2016 and once the learner has started earning over £21,000

Loans are repaid through the tax system

Any outstanding loans are written off after 30 years

Interest rates are based on income and go up to a maximum of 3%

Repayment- example monthly repayments, income each year before tax: 

Website 24 Loan

If you have any queries about the loans please contact the admissions team on 0118 9566 995 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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